
Farewell class of '23!


Spring is a time of change, both in nature and the Gothard lab. At the end of each academic year, the lab gets together to say farewell to students that are graduating and to welcome the new students that joined the lab over the past year. The spring of 2023 saw many undergraduate and graduate students start the next chapter of their lives. While it is sad to see them leave, it is exciting to see them becoming young scientists. The students spend years in the lab, learning how to work with the animals and how to conduct research. When they venture out into the world, they bring those skills with them but know that they can always contact the lab should they need any help or guidance. We wish them the best!

Departing Medical/Graduate students:

Rose Andersen, MD

Seunghyun Lee, PhD

Tess Champ, MS

Departing undergraduate students:

Tanusri Ganapathy

Chan Lim

Cam Bolles

Nick Lingenfelter
© 2025 Gothard Lab, University of Arizona Board of Regents.